(845) 418-4968 insurance@johnluongo.com

Summer is coming in Dutchess County New York

And to Orange County, New York, so don’t worry. It’s not exclusive to where I drive. Summer this year is for pools, dogs, guitar and cold drinks. Check us out on social if you want to get to know us better. www.facebook.com/shoparoundinsurance...

Vacant Land in the County

Do you own a piece of vacant land in Orange County, Dutchess County, in the Catskills, or Adirondacks or any of the surrounding areas in New York State? Do you know if you have liability coverage for something that happens on that land? What if someone falls on it and...

Lawns in the Hudson Valley.

Our little newsletter is emailed all over the country. We have subscribers on all 3 coasts. Here in Poughkeepsie it hasn’t stopped raining long enough to get the lawn mower out of the shed. As I sit in Washingtonville in Orange County, NY it is again overcast...