by John Luongo | May 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
I am not an expert in CoVid reopening procedures. I was on a webinar and came across some resources. Here is what I do know: NYS is requiring that each business have a written plan on file (it makes no mention of large or small, or number of employees). I came across...
by John Luongo | May 11, 2020 | Uncategorized
While you’ve probably stumbled across many on your own, here are ten resources available free now that weren’t just several weeks ago. If there is a silver lining to the global pandemic we’re facing, it’s the public display of generosity we’ve seen on the news and...
by John Luongo | May 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
As you have previously seen during the CoVid disaster we are remote working and keeping safe. The governor has a plan for the reopening of New York Economy. I hope this happens as quickly and as safely as possible. Check out some more info here. New York has a plan,...
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