(845) 418-4968 insurance@johnluongo.com

I was recently reading an article in Men’s Health Magazine about road rage. (Here is a link to one of their stories on it.)

I’ve been there, long day at work, something for the kids scheduled right after school, and after that it’s date night. Pressure to get home, be a good parent and a good date, and then someone cuts you off…Your blood pressure rises and now you are mad.  Or maybe someone is going SOOOO, SLOOOOOOW…And you really need to be somewhere. The one that really gets me is when the EZpass doesn’t work and then you have to scrape pennies together from under the carpet. It feels personal.


Aside from the the EzPass, like most instances in life people are thinking about themselves and not you. The roads in the Hudson Valley are no place for you to be raging.


I am not a rage expert but here is what I do to stay calm.

  1. Make sure you leave enough time to get where you need to be. People would rather you arrive alive, and safe. Then dead or in handcuffs.
  2. Before I roll on- I say to myself everyone is in a rush and driving like a maniac I need to stay calm and alert.
  3. Listen to something funny on the radio.
  4. Realize that the person next to me is a lunatic I am not getting wrapped up in this, I have plenty of time to get where I need to be.
  5. Deep breath.
  6. Arrive safe, 0 rage, play with the kids, smile, eat a nice dinner.

Check out what Men’s Health has to say in the link above about road rage.

We like calm drivers. If you are a calm driver and want to be part of our Shop Around Insurance Family please call us today at 845 418- 4968 email or use the contact form here now!  We’d love to help you save money and make sure your coverage is right for you.