(845) 418-4968 insurance@johnluongo.com

CoVid Entertainment Resources

While you’ve probably stumbled across many on your own, here are ten resources available free now that weren’t just several weeks ago.   If there is a silver lining to the global pandemic we’re facing, it’s the public display of generosity we’ve seen on the news and...

A Plan to reopen

As you have previously seen during the CoVid disaster we are remote working and keeping safe. The governor has a plan for the reopening of New York Economy. I hope this happens as quickly and as safely as possible. Check out some more info here.  New York has a plan,...

Safeco Premium Relief

A message from Tyler Asher Taking care of our customers, employees and agents is a top priority for Safeco. We recognize the uncertainty and financial challenges many of our joint customers are facing as the nation bands together to slow the spread of the coronavirus....

Progressive Premium Relief

Progressive returns $1 billion in premium to customers Today we announced that we’re providing credits of approximately $1 billion in premium to Progressive personal auto customers as a result of fewer claims that come with less frequent driving. Subject to approval...

Travelers Premium Relief

Travelers has their announcement. Keep in mind that NYS has to approve these give backs. We haven’t seen those announcements your carriers are responding. Here is Travelers take. Press Release Email Alerts Email page Print view PDF view Social Media Sharing...